Monday, June 4, 2012

Harvest Monday: Lots of Tomatoes, First Jalapeño

 We got a lot of tomatoes and a few zucchinis. The last zucchini was a little deformed because it got trapped between the stems, so I guess it grew as best as it could. The tomatoes taste really good - they are sun sugar tomatoes, in the pictures they look yellow but they are actually orange. Apparently, they won't turn red.

The garden is looking about the same as last Monday.

We don't have cucumbers yet, but the plants look good so far. The yellow cucumber flower is so pretty. 

I am so happy that the jalapeno plant is producing peppers. : ) I can't wait for them to get big.  I haven't relocated it to a new pot yet; I am not sure if I should.

Check out other harvests at


  1. Yum cherry tomatoes!! Jealous!! Yep, that variety of cherry tomatoes turns yellow and orange. I love those them. They're so sweet! Congrats on your jalapenos! Hooray!

  2. Nothing will stop a zucchini from growing! Those tomatoes look very yummy.. I have my first little green ones.

    1. Julie, hope your tomatoes turn out well!
      Yeah, I couldn't believe that shape the zucchini took!

  3. Sun Gold and Sun Sugar are very tasty cherry tomatoes. Skipped growing them this year to make room for another variety i wanted to trial but am missing them - especially after seeing your yummy pics. :D

  4. That's alot of cherry tomatoes! everything looks very nice too.

  5. All of your plants look great! I think the peppers will be fine in the posts you have them in.

  6. What a nice harvest of tomatoes; mine are beginning to come on strong also but I'm still waiting for my first summer squash.

    1. Thanks Mary. : ) Hope your squash turn out well!


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